Usage: NOTE NEWS [&<passwd>] [+|-<flags>] [+|-<maxtime>]
NEWS with no message is an alias for USER +RS (default max 60 days)
This command is for subscribing on a specified newsgroup from any
user(s) or host(s). Wildcards may be used anywhere. Example:
NEWS irc.note : Subscribe on irc.note
* NEWS irc.note@*.no : Send to group irc.note, but only for
* users at host *.no
* NEWS irc.note : Send to all for group irc.note
* NEWS Users@*.edu Hi : Send Hi to all users using note in your
* server located at host *.edu.
(Advanced users may use User +rs <...> <filter> where filter is a
string which must matches with field in received news message)
- Only opers can send news as default.
* To send news add message and use same format as subscribing, except
* that username field must matches with subscribed group as alt.irc!*.irc -
* everybody subscribing on a*.irc or *.irc or alt.irc... would get the news.
* A speciall case is the group Users which everybody using note in the server
* are member of.

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