Usage: WINDOW [<argument> [<argument> <argument> ...]]
The WINDOW command lets you manipulate multiple "windows" in
ScrollZ. Windows are horizontally divided sections of the
screen in which different bits of irc information can be
displayed. WINDOW lets you create, manipulate, and remove
such windows. The <argument> parameters to WINDOW are described
in full detail in their own sections.

The "current window" is denoted by "^^^^^^^^^^" in the status
line for that window. You can switch the current window by
activating the key functions PREVIOUS_WINDOW or NEXT_WINDOW.
These are bound, by default, to ^Xp and ^Xn, respectively.

Each window can have the conversation of a channel going to
it, which can be specified by either using WINDOW CHANNEL <c>
or by executing the JOIN or CHANNEL commands in a window.
Each window can also have its own QUERY user. When QUERYing
someone in a window, all conversation with that person is
directed to that window.

If you have JOIN or WINDOW CHANNEL commands in a script, like
your .scrollzrc file, you will need to do a WAIT after each JOIN

See Also:

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