Irc is a multi-user, multi-channel chatting network. It allows
people all over the Internet to talk to one another in real-time.
Each irc user has a nickname they use. All communication with
other users is either by nickname or by the channel that they or
you are on. All ScrollZ commands begin with a / character.
Anything that does not begin with a / is assumed to be a message
that is sent to everyone on your channel. Here is a list of
basic commands to help you get started:

/LIST Lists all current irc channels, number of
users, and topic.
/NAMES Shows the nicknames of all users on each
/JOIN <channel> Join the named channel. All non-commands
you type will now go to everyone on that
/MSG <nick> <msg> Sends a private message to the specified
person. Only the specified nickname will
see this message.
/NICK Change your nickname
/QUIT Exits irc.
/HELP <topic> Gets help on all ScrollZ commands.
/WHO <channel> Shows who is on a given channel,
including nickname, user name and host,
and realname.
/WHOIS <nick> Shows the "true" indentity of someone
Use this often to make sure you know who
you are talking to, because nicknames are
NOT owned so any number of people could
use a nickname.

These commands should get you started on irc. Use the /HELP
command to find out more about things on irc, or ask question of
people... most would be happy to help you out.

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