List of all user/shit levels available in ScrollZ

Available user levels are :
I user can request invite through CTCP
V user can request voice through CTCP
C user can request list of channel operators through CTCP
O user can request channel operator status through CTCP
H user can request halfop status through CTCP
A user automatically given, depending on access, voice, halfop, or
channel operator status on join (delayed). Users with passwords
are not affected.
X user automatically given, depending on access, voice, halfop, or
channel operator status on join (instant). Users with passwords
are not affected.
U user can request unban through CTCP
P user is protected, client will reop/unban/invite him when
he gets deopped/banned/kicked unless done by user with G flag
G user is god, client will reop/unban/invite him when he gets
deopped/banned/kicked plus offender will be deopped unless
he is god too
D user has access to CDCC. This is only relevant when /CDCC SECURE
is ON. If so, user will be able to see/get files from your offer
list plus you will autoget files from this user if /CDCC AUTOGET
is ON as well. User will be exempt from minimum speed check and
their requests will not be queued but carried right away.
J upon invite to a channel from user with this level, you will au-
tomatically join no matter what /AJOIN is set to
F such users won't trigger flood protection
Available shit levels are :
D user will be deopped if opped
K user will be kicked on join
B user will be banned on join
I user will be ignored on join
P permanent ban, enforced at all times if possible
T temporary ban, it will be removed after timeout expires

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